Regd. Office I-9,Sec. 12 A,
Panchkula (Haryana), INDIA
Call Us
Tel. 0172-2581195, 09257272405
Moved by the plight of the orphan and destitute children unloved, uncared for and no one to call their own, Late Shri. Almadi founded Bal Sadan in the year 1992 and worked till his demise in 1995. Subsequently few other like-minded public-spirited workers joined him. Bal Sadan was then registered in 1993, as a society under the registration of Societies Act 1860.
Starting with just one room in which six children were accommodated, Bal Sadan kept moving into bigger accommodation to house growing number of children. Bigger accommodation meant higher rent and drain on our meagre financial resources.
Currently we have 35 girls in the age group of 5 to 18yrs. We, the Bal Sadan management ensures that all the children are receiving good education in well known and established schools and colleges of Panchkula and Chandigarh.
With the help of Compassionate donors we propose to enable every child to earn her own livelihood through educational or vocational courses according to each one's individual aptitude. New courses in beauty care and food - craft for girls are in progress.
You can contribute your share for this Child
Regd. Office I-9,Sec. 12 A,
Panchkula (Haryana), INDIA
Tel. 0172-2581195, 09257272405